What is volunteering for the Children's University all about?

The CU Trust is now developing its work with older participants - anyone from 15 - 115 in fact - through the introduction of a Passport To Volunteering. The Passport To Volunteering works in much the same way as the Passport To Learning, and is currently being trialled in 9 regions, with a view to becoming more widely available in September 2012.

Volunteering is quite simply your gift of time to the Children's University to make a difference to the learning experience of children - either directly with the children or indirectly in a supporting role.

Volunteering for the Children's University is a win winship - you decide what's in it for you:

  • getting involved in your local community
  • discovering your talents
  • career development
  • a better CV……
  • but always making a difference!

What's in it for us?

  • engaging more widely with the community
  • improving the learning activities we offer
  • providing more role models for children and more memorable experiences
  • making our local universities more sustainable

Who can get involved?

  • anyone from 15 - 115

Want to know more?

Click here to download an information leaflet  "A Guide to Volunteering".

Click here to find out the details of your nearest Children's University and contact your local CU Manager.