News from Kent Children's University!
Sunday, April 1, 2012 by CU Trust
Image for news item: News from Kent Children's University!

"I understand the importance of helping children to see that learning can take place both in and out of the classroom. It's for this reason I'm delighted to become the Patron of Kent Children's University as, through their Learning Destinations project, they are giving children in Kent the chance to visit a range of local attractions and discover that learning is fun.

Schemes like KCU not only help boost attainment, but help with attendance, attitudes to learning and, perhaps most importantly, give the children self-confidence. These days confidence in your own abilities is so important, for everyone.

From what I've heard about KCU, it is clear that children, of all ability levels, can gain much from participating. It's nice to see that, in these more difficult economic times, the scheme is working with not only the tourist attractions but after-school-clubs too.

Making it something everyone can take part in.

I know not all schools have affiliated yet. I recommend that anyone who values the importance of their child's learning speaks with their school and gets them to contact Guy. Affiliation isn't difficult, and the impact has been proven to be significant. I'm pleased to have been asked to become Patron of KCU and I hope, if possible, to meet with the gold award winners and their families at the annual award event in July."

Cheryl Baker, Feb 2012.

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