How does it work?

The Children's University (CU) Trust offers 7 to 14 year olds (and 5 to 6 year olds with their families) exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours. If you are a child, parent/carer, school or potential partner organisation this is the place to start...

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What makes us unique?

We are an organisation with a set of core principles that are consistently applied yet flexible enough to accommodate local needs. All local Children’s Universities have a link to Higher or Further Education Institutions and the learning offered locally is quality assured through our central framework.

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Recent successes

We are celebrating our 7th birthday this year. In December 2011 we were proud to win our first ever award: the Everyday Impact Award of the Directory of Social Change. In 2014 the Children’s University won the Global Business Excellence Award for Outstanding Educational Services … and in between there is a story.

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Graduations and Celebrations

As Children’s University Graduates, they have contributed to over 2.25 million hours of voluntary learning, and many have overcome disadvantage to become proud and confident learners. Why not listen and see for yourself……?

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