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Downloadable Learning Destination activities

We are working with a number of our national learning partners to create a range of activities which support children's independent learning, and can also be used by groups of children and their families.  To begin the collection we have developed a Forest Trail with the Forestry Commission and a Creative Arts Explorer pack with Bigfoot Creative Arts.

Details of how to complete the activities and gain time in the Learning Passport are included within the pack.  We will be adding more activities soon, and would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for further activities.

Please click on the below links to download the activities:


If you would like to see the other sorts of activities created by organisations for children, schools and families please click here.


How will children receive their Learning Credits? 

Once your child has completed a Downloadable Learning Destination activity, you will need to post the completed pack and/or diary along with a letter outlining your address and child's name to:

Kent Children's University

Bewl Water Outdoor Centre

Bewlbridge Lane





We will then post the relevant number of credits to your home address and return the completed Downloadable Learning Destination activity pack back to you.

For more information, please email kcu@theeducationpeople.org