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What are the benefits to my child?

Through participation in fun, high quality learning experiences, we aim to grow inquisitive, confident, independentchildren and learners. It's about enjoyment, and a sense of achievement for all. Membership to the Children's University provides each child with access to a great range of quality assured learning provision, including:

  • Activities at school based Learning Destinations (also known as Restricted Learning Destinations)
  • Children's University Lectures, CU Seminars and CU Workshops, including those offered by the BBC and Sky
  • Activities at tourist attractions such as museums
  • Formal sports coaching activities
  • Clubs and societies which might include
    music and drama
  • Scouting and Guiding Groups

More info about Public Learning Destinations that provide memorable, fun and good quality learning can be found here.


Annual national CU evaluations

Independent evaluation of the work of the CU has been undertaken by 'Leadership for Learning - The Cambridge Network', led by Professor John MacBeath of the University of Cambridge. The formative approach to evaluation has been integral to developments of the CU, most particularly in Professor MacBeath's contributions to the development of the CU's quality assurance processes and to the creation of a national Passport To Learning. Please find below the annual national CU evaluations: