Awards and graduation ceremonies

Graduants 2014

Children's University aims to celebrate children's achievements through special certificates and an annual awards ceremony. The first award for 30 hours of learning in the CU passport is presented through school in a special assembly.

Children are then invited to attend a Graduation ceremony at the University of York once they have reached at least 65 hours (Silver Award). There are many award categories and children's hours rolll over from one year to the next.

Graduation takes place each spring and is a fantastic occasion to recognise children for their achievements and hopefully inspire them to continue their journey.


2015 Graduation

Congratulations to the 105 children who Graudated from York Children's University in March. The children attended a special ceremony at University of York in March to collect their certificates with each child having collected at least 65 hours in their passports to graduate. One graduate, Max from Westfield, had gained over 700 hours in his passport!

A great day was had by all and we are very proud of all our graduates.

Sophie Jewett from York Cocoa House urged all our graduates to "keep growing"!


2014 Graduation

Over 130 children graduated this March in York CU's third annual ceremony. It was a wonderful occaision for the children and their parents. Mnay thanks to all the schools and Learning Destinations who turned out to help celebrate their achievmnets.

Graduation Programme 2014


2013 GraduationYork CU Graduation 2013

Our most recent ceremony took place at the end of March, with 66 students graduating. It was widely attended by parents, teachers and local businesses and a fantastic event that was a great way to celebrate the wonderful achievements made by all graduates.

Have a look at our programme to see what the event was like:

Graudation programme 2013