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Calendars of activity ideas for children and families



As well as working with schools, The Education People and Children's University staff are committed to supporting children, young people and their families with home learning and enrichment opportunities.

We appreciate that this is an uncertain time for families but we hope that these home learning resources help you enjoy your time with your children, even in times of social distancing, self-isolation and possible lockdown.  Making happy memories, whilst learning during this time, will be very important to all.

These links have been given to us by a variety of partners including The Education People Advisors, Children's University Managers, Learning Destinations, libraries and partners such as Acts of Kindness.  

This section of our website will be updated each day so do come back every now and then to see what's new.  Do click on the subject links on the left tab for more specific resources available to schools and families.


Acts of Kindness: Meaningful May

  • The world is in crisis. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.   This Meaningful May Calendar has daily actions for May 2020 to help us respond to this global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.  Download as an image for sharing or a PDF for printing.




Acts of Kindness: Coping Calendar

  • The world is in crisis. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.   30 actions to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together.

Coping _calendar



Girvan Academy: Science challenge

  • The Science Department have set a 30 Day Science Challenge for pupils.


LEGO: 30 day challenge

  • Sometimes, it only take a little bit of a prompt to get the creative juices flowing.  The prompts included in this printable LEGO calendar do just that!

    For each day, a specific LEGO building idea is presented.