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Careers, enterprise, skills and employability



As well as working with schools, The Education People and Children's University staff are committed to supporting children, young people and their families with home learning and enrichment opportunities.

We appreciate that this is an uncertain time for families but we hope that these home learning resources help you enjoy your time with your children, even in times of social distancing, self-isolation and possible lockdown.  Making happy memories, whilst learning during this time, will be very important to all.

These links have been given to us by a variety of partners including The Education People Advisors, Children's University Managers, Learning Destinations, libraries and partners such as the Careers and Enterprise Company.  

This section of our website will be updated each day so do come back every now and then to see what's new.  Do click on the subject links on the left tab for more specific resources available to schools and families.


Kent County Council service update:  Coronavirus is currently affecting some of our services across the county. For more information, check the individual service updates here


These resources have been supplied to us by the Skills & Employability and Careers & Enterprise* teams within the Secondary School Improvement service from The Education People


COVID-19: Support and guidance for Year 12 students from The Education People

Education and careers support via telephone for Year 11/12 students from The Education People

10 Apprenticeship resources to explore from home

  • Amazing Apprenticeships has created a range of 10 different resources for teachers to use with their students to explore apprenticeships from home.

    Resources 1-9 are suitable for students in years 7 through to 13 and are expected to take up to 30 minutes to complete.

    Resource 10 is expected to take around 10 hours and is aimed at students in years 12 and 13.


Amazing Apprenticeships interactive resources

  • For students in Years 12 and 13 considering apprenticeships.


BBC Bitesize: A to Z of you perfect job (Year 10+)

  • Looking for job inspirations, check out our A-Z list of careers to get you started. Browse the job titles to get insights from people who're doing the job, what qualifications you need and how much you will get paid.


BBC Bitesize: Exploring job options (Year 10+)

  • Looking for job inspiration? Check out our job profiles to help you get started. Hear from people working in areas that interest you, see how much you could get paid for different roles and find out what qualifications you might need to follow in their footsteps.


BBC Bitesize: Job appplications (Year 10+)

  • This section supports young people in applying for jobs.


BBC Bitesize: Transferable skills (Year 10+)

  • If you're looking for a new role but are worried that you don't have the skills for the job, don't panic! You may well have more to offer than you think. Life experience can give you transferable skills that are valuable in the workplace - you just need to know how to describe them.


BBC Bitesize: Writing a CV (Year 10+)

  • Whether you are applying for a job, a scholarship or to get into your dream university course, writing a covering letter and CV is a real art. 


BBC Bitesize: Where could your favourite subject take you? (Year 10+)

  • Looking for job inspiration? Check out our job profiles to help you get started. Hear from people who are using subjects that interest you, see how much you could get paid for different roles and find out what qualifications you might need to follow in their footsteps.



  • The team is here to provide young people with live opportunities for your dream career.  You could work for some of the UK's biggest and best organisations starting now.  Explore the  Apprenticeship and Graduate vacancies to find the right one for you.  If you are not sure what you want to do, have a look at Careermag for inspiration and explore the site to find out more about all sorts of jobs and careers of the future.


CISCO networking academy: Entrepreneurship 

  • It takes more than a single great idea to become a successful entrepreneur. The winding road between idea and execution requires business acumen, financial skills, and most importantly the right mind-set. This knowledge can not only set you apart, but set up your technology venture for greater success. So, why not benefit from a course that's made for you, jump-starting your ideas, and arming you with the right skills to take the next step with more self-confidence. No prerequisites required.


Department for Work and Pensions

  • List of master presentations currently prepared.


FaceTime a Farmer

  • Free fortnightly video calls between farmers and classroms.  Bringing the countryside to life.


Health Street

  • Health Street is a road near to the local hospital. Many of the people who live there work in the NHS and use NHS services. Find out more about the roles available and how they impact on some of the people in this community.


How to write your first CV

  • Are you a student or school leaver about to write your first CV? Even if you think you've got no work experience to put in it, you can still write a great CV that demonstrates your skills and strengths.


Learn Live (suitable for primary schools too)

  • With FREE access to a wide variety of live interactive broadcasts and video on demand with live chat support, you can educate your children and young people on careers and health education.


National Careers Service

  • Find a job that's right for you with our advice on where to search, how to apply, CVs and interviews. You'll also get tips on how to find unadvertised vacancies by using your contacts.


National Careers Service: Find a course

  • Use the National Careers Service course search to look for different types of learning opportunities. All providers are contracted with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and include colleges, training providers and local education authorities.


National Careers Service: General careers support

  • Find out what a job involves and if it's right for you.


National Careers Service: Skills assessment

  • Find out about careers that might be right for you by taking one of our assessments.



  • Naturally Talented Me.com is made up of a team of employability specialists who share a common belief that an individual's Natural Talents is what makes them uniquely employable. Regardless of background, situation or education.  This is a FREE platform for all users to learn more about their strengths and passions and how they will link to the world of work.


School leaver CV template

  • Looking for your first job after leaving school, but worried a lack of experience will hold you back?

    If you have no previous work experience to speak of, you may not think you have much to include in a CV. But, with the right amount of enthusiasm, research and professionalism, (not to mention time spent viewing some  helpful CV examples), there's no reason your application still can't stand out.


Skills to Succeed Academy

  • They can help you plan your career, get a job and succeed at work with this free and interactive training.


Speakers for Schools

  • Speakers for Schools give hard to reach students access to top opportunities, including through vitrual talks and virtual work experience opportunities.


TeenTech Innovation Sessions

  • TeenTech Innovation Sessions offerstudents aged 11 - 18,insight into world-class organisations and the opportunities that lie within them. We are now offering these sessions online and each session will be hosted by a leading TeenTech sponsor or supporting company.
  • You can ask questions, develop your own solutions to global challenges and learn more about different careers.
  • Sessions include: Wednesday 13th May - 10am -  Dallas Campbell - Space and Monday 18th May - 10am - Rolls Royce.


UK Youth and LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn for Students Webinar


The WOW Show

  • The WOW Show is a live online channel creating real-life encounters with the world of work to inspire young people about their futures.


Youth Employment - Careers Advice

  • Build confidence and skills to get the jobs you want. Because you matter.

    Did you know? If you're aged 14-24, everything on this page is about you. Early careers advice, choosing study subjects, money matters, mental health… it all matters, and so do you. Join us as a  Young Professional for free skills training or as a Volunteer Youth Ambassador, and the whole website explodes into life. Interact with tips, advice, mentoring and opportunities that match your interests. They're here to take you seriously, to listen and to help!


Youth Employment - Skills and Careers Activity Booklet

  • Download FREE Skills & Careers Activities Booklet For Young People.


For other secondary specific materials please click here. 


*  With special thanks to Munya Badze, Chloe Johnstone and Vicky Lawrence