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Wellbeing and resilience (including mental health resources)



As well as working with schools, The Education People and Children's University staff are committed to supporting children, young people and their families with home learning and enrichment opportunities.

We appreciate that this is an uncertain time for families but we hope that these home learning resources help you enjoy your time with your children, even in times of social distancing, self-isolation and possible lockdown.  Making happy memories, whilst learning during this time, will be very important to all.

These links have been given to us by a variety of partners including The Education People Advisors, Children's University Managers, Learning Destinations, libraries and partners such as Kent County Council.  

This section of our website will be updated each day so do come back every now and then to see what's new.  Do click on the subject links on the left tab for more specific resources available to schools and families.


Kent County Council has a number of additional services commissioned by their public health teams and other colleagues that can be of real benefit to young people and their families at this time. Further details on these services specific to young people are being maintained by Headstart colleagues on Kelsi and can be found by clicking here


Kent County Council service update:  Coronavirus is currently affecting some of our services across the county. For more information, check the individual service updates here


Acts of Kindness: Coping Calendar

  • The world is in crisis. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.  30 actions to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together.


Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

  • There is much that each one of us can do to support the wellbeing of those in our lives.
  • We don't know whether the coronavirus situation will impact on children and young people's mental health, but we think that it may.
  • We want to do all we can to prevent this from happening, or to minimise it. That's why we are giving this clear, simple advice to all those who are supporting children and young people - including to young people themselves.
  • There is much that each one of us can do to support the wellbeing of those in our lives, including children and young people who may already be vulnerable or suffering from mental health difficulties.

BBC:  How families can cope with self-isolating at home

  • "Whether you're living in a massive six bedroom house or all sharing a smaller two-bed flat, we're all going to feel the walls closing in a little bit more," says Eloise Rickman, who runs courses on home-schooling.


Books Beyond Words

  • A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe.


Bounce Forward (helping children thrive at home)

  • The charity, Bounce Forward are holding regular sessions for parents to build vital skills to help their children be more resilient during this uncertain time. Each hour-long session will be hosted by Lucy Bailey - Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder of Bounce Forward, with the content based on the science of resilience. 
  • Session Topics 
  1. Session 1: Introduction to resilient parenting 
  2. Session 2: Optimism during uncertainty 
  3. Session 3: Developing mental muscle 
  4. Session 4: Compassionate communication 
  5. Session 5: Mindsets and energy 
  6. Session 6: Parenting to strengths 
  • The first session is free, with the next ones priced at a nominal fee of £2 to support the charity


COVID short book for children in different languages

  • This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation. It is important to point out that this resource does not seek to be a source of scientific information, but rather a tool based on fantasy. The recommendation is to print this material so children can draw on it. Remember that emotions are processed through repetitive play and stories read multiple times. 


Creativity and confidence in the home

  • This series of videos gives children ideas for learning opportunities at home based on suggestions from celebrities and well-known people in their fields, such as authors, chefs, astronauts, composers and actors.


Home Learning Packs from Stonewall

  • At such a difficult and uncertain time, Stonewall knows that education staff, parents and carers are facing unprecedented challenges. However, it's at times like these that we can come together to help each other. That's why Stonewall has launched a series of home learning packs. Whether you're a teacher sending work home for your students, or a parent or carer looking for some activities for your child, these packs are for you. There's a primary, secondary and SEND version of each pack, complete with suggested activities and supporting materials to support your child's learning:
  1. Creativity learning pack:  The creativity packs include a range of activities with curriculum links to art, computing, DT, English, music, PE and PSHE.
  2. Different families learning pack:  The Different families packs include a range of art, English and computing activities for Primary, Secondary and SEND pupils.
  3. English activities learning pack:  The English packs include a range of activities with curriculum links to art, history, geography, music and PSHE.
  4. Frida Kahlo learning pack: The Frida Kahlo packs include a range of art, English and computing activities for Primary, Secondary and SEND pupils.
  5. LGBT history learning pack:  The LGBT history packs include a range of art, DT, English, history, music, science, PSHE, PE and computing activities.
  6. Maths problems learning pack:  There's a primary, secondary and SEND (P-Scales) version of each pack, complete with suggested activities and supporting materials to support your child's learning. Pick and choose the activities to suit your child. 

Kent Resilience Hub

  • A resource that helps young people, parents and carers and professionals to understand emotional growth and resilience. This is shortly to be updated with a wide range of emotional wellbeing support resources for young people.



  • A supportive space for young people who are missing their friends and need to talk. It includes discussion boards, Kooth Magazine & Help Articles, free counselling and self-help tools.


Medway Council's top tips for dealing with anxiety

  • These tips have been collated to support families with distance/home learning during this unprecedented time.


Medway Council's resources for mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • These resources have been collated to support families with distance/home learning during this unprecedented time.


Mental Health Resources and Support for Parents and Carers

  • We understand that COVID-19 (coronavirus) has created uncertainty and anxiety, the constant news can feel overwhelming.  We are adjusting to a different way of life, with children off school, many people not working or working from home, as well as not seeing family, friends and colleagues.
  • This anxiety is natural, and we are all feeling it. Fortunately, there are things that we can do to protect our mental health and to support the wellbeing of our friends and family.


Medway Council's top tips for dealing with positive wellbeing

  • These tips have been collated to support families with distance/home learning during this unprecedented time.


Mind mental health resources  (information for young people)

  • Mind understands mental health and wellbeing. They are there if you need them for support and advice. They help everyone understand mental health problems, so no one has to feel alone.


Mind - Stayng active resources

  • Mind knows that staying active can be good for your mental health, but if you're unable to leave the house for any reason, staying active can feel like a challenge.

    Here are a few suggestions for how you can stay active without leaving the house. Try and choose something you enjoy, and that fits into your daily life. You may need to try a few before you find something you like. You may also find that different things work for you at different times, depending on how you're feeling. 



  • MoodSpark has been developed for young people in Kent, with young people in Kent by HeadStart Kent, which sits within Kent County Council's Children, Young People and Education Service.


My Hero is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19

  • This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries. 


Online Youth Services

  • Kent County Council is making all of their youth services available online, including opportunities for you to talk to youth workers and friends, as well as lots of new activities for you to try.


NHS app: Chill Panda

  • Learn to relax, manage your worries and improve your wellbeing with Chill Panda. The app measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your state of mind. Tasks include simple breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries.


One You Kent

  • A range of links and resources around improving physical and mental health.


People United's resources for happiness

  • Their work uses the arts and creativity to encourage empathy and kindness. They often work at the heart of communities, co-creating participatory artwork around themes that explore ideas related to kindness.


Sebda: Promoting the social and emotional well being of children and young people

  • A research designed to support families and their children during periods of anxiety associate with the Coronavirus.


Sexual Health Service

  • Information on the local service offer - including online STI testing - which is still live and accessible Kent wide. Information for the general public about what to do on contraception, emergency contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, HIV and sexual assault during Covid-19 is on  Sexwise  This includes links to other organisations providing information and support.


School Health 

  • A range of emotional and physical health resources and details of how to get support for school age children and young people - regardless of whether or not they are in school.


Unifrog - Coping with change

  • Change can be a pretty daunting prospect, and many people aren't sure how to deal with it.  Here's some excellent tips on how to face change head-on.


World Health Organisation

  • Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak